Frequently Asked Questions NETPREP Academy

frequently asked questions

Other ‘business schools’ are considered a higher education institution that teaches courses leading to degrees in business administration or corporate management within a company. At NETPREP Academy we focus solely on building the Next Entrepreneur of Tomorrow by our students learning business by doing business. We are an independent institution of learning and apprenticeship that solely focuses on teaching business and entrepreneurship.
NETPREP Academy is non-accredited as we do not advocate traditional school learning that system supports creating employees. Institutions that have accreditation assures the job market that individuals who have graduated from school have received a quality system education and has not gone outside the box. At NETPREP Academy we teach our students to think outside that box. We provide a new-age system of learning that challenges the mind that build the future leaders of tomorrow. NOTE: There are thousands of non-accredited schools from across the world including the United States that offer quality education. Our ‘accreditation’ comes from the credibility of the entrepreneurs we’re producing year after year.
Students who attend and graduate from NETPREP Academy will be added to our Graduate List with the year completed that details a notarized memorandum signed by top officials. This documented memo serves as an advocate for any person(s) doing business with a particular graduate from NETPREP Academy. The students from our Graduate List met the requirements of becoming an entrepreneur through our institution, becoming proficient in business history, ethics, law, operations, power of ownership and more. To add to the degree certificate that our students will receive after graduation, they will also receive a letter of recommendation as well as an open reference through person(s) contacting our offices for fact checks offer quality education. Our ‘accreditation’ comes from the credibility of the entrepreneurs we’re producing year after year.