Author - websitesvalley

Local Student Recruiter


Our National, Regional and Local recruiters help brainstorm and organize the events where NETPREP recruit students. This can include college fairs, where NETZPREP recruiters visit places like high schools to advertise our program to students and families. They may also organize career fair booths, where we advertise our courses and the many other...


Regional Student Recruiter


Our National, Regional and Local recruiters help brainstorm and organize the events where NETPREP recruit students. This can include college fairs, where NETZPREP recruiters visit places like high schools to advertise our program to students and families. They may also organize career fair booths, where we advertise our courses and the many other...


National Student Recruiter


Our National, Regional and Local recruiters help brainstorm and organize the events where NETPREP recruit students. This can include college fairs, where NETZPREP recruiters visit places like high schools to advertise our program to students and families. They may also organize career fair booths, where we advertise our courses and the many other...


Director of Student Recruiting


Establishes and administers programs for targeting, recruitment, and retention of students seeking graduate or part-time involvement with NETPREP. Develops programs and marketing materials. Visits schools and makes presentations to groups and individuals interested in learning more about what NETPREP has to offer. Also, the supervision of our National, Regional and Local recruiters along with...